Sunday, May 30, 2010

Archytpes in Music??

Literature and films are not the only things we can see different varieties or archetypes in. We can also see the same archetypes in various kinds of music. Plus, not only the song itself can have them, but their music videos can add a great element to the song and how we look at certain things afterwards. The genre of the music can display various moods and tones for a specific song and the video can add even more to that to make you see what the artist really needs you to see in the song. An example of the obvious archetypes we can see is in the song and music video of "White Horse" by Taylor Swift. I know some of you may scoff at my song choice but it has different elements that we can clearly see and are able to respond to. In the song she is very upset because she has to leave her boyfriend for some irreversable mistakes that she did not see while she was with him. The tone in the music can help us feel the sorrow she is experiencing and can help us sympathize with her. Also, in the music video, she is crying by her window and outside the window it is pouring rain. We always see rain during a sad part of a movie, or like here in a music video. It gives you a sad feeling and helps you empathize with the person in the rain. ANother element we can see in this music video is the transition form light to dark. When you see her with her boyfriend you can see it is very light and open in those parts of the video and when she has just broken up with her boyfriend it gets dark and that is when it starts to rain. All of these effects can really help turn a song into something that you can visualize actually happening and something realistic. What other songs and music videos can have different archetypes to make the song something you can relate to?

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Potential Changes in a Character

First impressions can often be misleading when we are looking through different types of literature and films. There are a lot of authors and directors that do this to create a false antagonist. In the cartoon film, Ratatouille, the director shows that there are two different types of antagonists. One is against the main character and the other is a very negative person who doesn't seem to like anyone or anything at the beginning of the movie. Throughout the rest of the movie though, it seems as though this character changes and at the end, he ends up helping the main character, giving him an excellent review and helped save their restaurant. Is this a change that we may see in our everyday lives? Can it happen for anyone or only people who are devoted to the change?