Friday, April 9, 2010

A Hero's Journey

Samurai Jack is just one example of the many different types of Heroes that are displayed through literature, films, and even in real life experiences we can come across someone who may act like or have Hero-type attributes. In every story or book there is either a love story involved or have an action based story, with a protagonist and an antagonist. There are even some with a bit of both.
An example of this would be Hercules. The story Hercules has a hero, a mentor, and several creatures of nightmare. Part of Hercules' journey is to go through many years of hard training and trials defeating many evil creatures. This is just an example of the basic hero's adventure.
Does a hero always go through training and trials to become a hero or is the hero identity just put upon a person? Does one great deed done for humanity worth titling someone a "hero" or does there have to be more?

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